More Than A Woman

It is undeniable that women have faced unimaginable horrors and challenges over the past hundreds of years, and still deals with similar challenges in our modern yet still quite primitive world. On our planet, we still have female infanticide, child marriages, dowry system, female genital mutilation, raped for wearing jeans, sold as a sex slave, isolated during the menstrual period, forbidden to breastfeed in public places, forbidden in certain sacred places and there’s the woman’s multiple burden in having to run a household, take care of the kids while keeping a successful career etc. In certain companies, women are even paid less than men! But these are all just symptoms of a deeper underlying sickness that rests in our belief systems and our definition of an undefinable woman. Generation after generation, we perpetuate the ignorance by socialising our children with our outdated stereotypical gender roles. What is a woman? She is limitless, dynamic, creative and powerful; but we can only describe her and never contain in a definition or the roles she has commonly played across time. Her value is beyond her child bearing capacity, her colorful masks of adornment or the sexualised deliciousness of her human garment. She is beyond her culinary and housekeeping skills or her capacity to raise children. The struggle is real. Women feel the need to prove themselves worthy not so much just for the world, but sadly even to themselves. The tragedy is many women have already convinced themselves of the lies sold to them. Every woman who has liberated herself from the shackles of the delusions of the world about her, liberates others too. All that is needed is to reclaim that forgotten power. The time has come to celebrate one another and lift each other up. We cannot wait for the conditions to be better for all of us. We must re-create and co create a better world for our sons and daughters, who will see only the uniqueness and value of an individual. The woman has woken up. She will no longer buy the bullshit of an ego tripping world. We are no longer sorry for ourselves, because we will be busy reminding each other of our magnificence! Everyday is our day. Our day to shine, to build, to heal and to empower. - Mataji


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