Meditation: Aim for Inner Transformation


It is my personal experience, especially among male meditators, that they strive for physical or energetic sensations. 

They crave and wait for visions, physical sensations in the spine or forehead or what not, to convince themselves that their meditation is working. Often, they miss or discount the power of  the subtle inner transformation that is happening in them. 

Even if they notice that they have become more patient, less angry, more tolerant, more peaceful, less anxious and less worried, they still feel the value of their meditation lies in the physical sensations, visions or siddhis or powers that are developing. 

It does not mean that just because you still cannot feel almost physically, the energy rising or shaking up your spine, it does not mean that purification is not happening. Also, just because there is no pressure on the forehead or the point between two eyebrows, it doesn't mean that the third eye is not decalcifying or activating. In front, you may have balanced yourself even more because everything is happening so smoothly without the rocking, shaking or destabilized energy dancing here and there.

They often get excited when the body is vibrating and shaking. They get enamored when they see colours, lights or visions. They secretly hope to levitate or move objects with their minds. They want to visit astral worlds or astrally project and visit their friends for fun. All of these have carry a certain validation for the doubting mind, indeed. It provides some sort of motivation to keep meditating. They feel validated when they hear, feel or see something, yet most of the time, even if they do, they still doubt it. Were they just imagining it? The mind will continue to question and doubt. Because in the first place, it was the mind that craved for experience.

How do we know of our meditation is working? 

A. We worry less

B. We become less fearful 

C. We are no longer as anxious as before

D. Our faith deepens

E. Our anxieties are less frequent

F. Devotion begins to grow

G. Our intuition becomes sharper

F. We become more sensitive to the energy of others around us

G. We feel more connected to others

H. Our hearts feel more open

I. We feel more loving

Would you rather have visions and sensations but none of these authentic results of meditation? Because it is possible to have sensations without true transformation. 

Now, siddhis or powers are inevitable by products of meditation. Keep going, don't get entertained by it, especially don't use them for selfish goals or be arrogant about it. That's gonna give you a hard fall.

Be pure in your intentions when meditating. You meditate because you want to deepen your capacity to Love Unconditionally and experience Oneness with all, finding the Divine in everything. 

Happy meditating,



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