SEVA: Selfless Service
SEVA is why we are here on earth. To make our existence useful and meaningful. To make every breath count.
SEVA is serving ourselves through others. It bridges the gap and opens the heart. It burns karmas of thousands of lifetimes and purifies our lineage, ancestors and future generations. And yes, it also heals and purifies the body, mind and heart. The spirit is never sick nor can it be broken.
Serving our families and friends is not Seva. It is our dharma. Our basic obligation. When our Consciousness expands, serving all of Creation becomes our Dharma or responsibility.
After forwarding the Grace that was loaned temporarily and entrusted to us to serve others - forget. Forget everything. There is no need to count how much you have given and to how many and to whom. Rest assured that the God inside your heart witnessed Everything behind your eyes.
SEVA is our service to our Guru. It is our expression of devotion to our Lord or Master. It is our Thanksgiving for being alive everyday. It reminds us of the Divine within everyone and our connectedness to everything in creation.
The joy Seva brings to others and to the giver, accelerates and speeds up the frequency of the space, through love and gratitude. God is Love and Love is the highest frequency in existence. It purifies the giver and receiver and place where it is done, and everyone involved directly or indirectly.
Never claim your sevas. Don't say I helped this and that, nor I gave here and there. Say, I am grateful to have been given the opportunity and trust, to serve the Lord through His or Her children. After all, nothing truly belongs to us and we can't take anything with us when we leave this planet, apart from the Grace that came from our willingness to be of service in this world.
Meditation and prayers go hand in hand with Seva, because Silence and devotion helps purify our intentions and Seva. It helps nullify our egos and strengthen our intuition as to where and how to serve and opens us up to more abundance so we can serve more.
Seva does not always have to be expensive and it does not require elaborate preparations. It depends on the size and magnitude of the Seva. If it is like in places that feed 10,000 people a day, then that requires utmost planning, organisation and preparation. But if you want to feed the ants or the birds today, that is not so complex.
There is SEVA to people, animals, plants, minerals and the spirit world. There is Seva to the celestial kingdoms too. Feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter to the homesless, heal the sick, guidance to the lost, comfort the lonely, visit those who are locked away and feeling alone, give encouragement and inspiration to the hopeless etc.
SEVA IS NOT SEVA WHEN we want to be thanked, remembered and praised for doing it. It is not Seva, when we expect even blessings for it.
It is not even Seva, when we believe we are the Giver. We are Servants of Divinity, Who uses our limbs and bodies to serve His or Her creation. After all, who created this hands and feet? Where does the Grace come from?
The Creator serves All aspects of Himself or Herself. Such is the Nature of Love. It gives and gives just like sunlight that falls on everything and everyone.
Before we do Seva, we sanctify and offer whatever is given to the Source of Everything. We pray for Grace and Purity of intentions. We ask for Nothing but the opportunity to serve and love the Lord more and more each day.
We do not need to enjoy every Seva and we do not do it to experience pleasure or Bliss. It is done because it must be done. And we do what is needed and right.
When we do Seva to secretly feel important or good or holy or needed, we pay high consequences for that. More karmas have been created and there are repercussions. Most importantly never corrupt your sevas by stealing what does not belong to you.
When you are given an opportunity to serve, grab it like your life depends on it. Because it requires the utmost Grace to even have that opportunity. Be fearless. The more you give, the more you will receive. As you give, you have already received.
This is Devotion in Action.
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