Spiritual Diary August 15, 2022

Spiritual Diary August 15, 2O22 Soaked on the full moons light and after the cool rain breeze last night. I sat by the fishpond and witnessed the ripples of the moons reflection on the water. Alone, I relished solitude by the garden, while everyone was busy clustering talking about the lives of others in a family get together. Nothing really interests me anymore. Unless the discussions can add value to anyones spiritual lives and advancement, I do not really want to be a part of it. I had the intention to blog, but as my spirit was willing, my body was already very sleepy, coming home late after a long day. Brought with me a seven bead mala with the intention, to chant AUM seven times for each chakra in rotation from base to crown and above and down again. The face of the moon was so tempting for me to even close my eyes. I simply stared emptily as I mentally chanted and it felt energising, though a bit cold and damp last night. Today the family went for a river tour and it was nice to do mental chanting while on a moving raft, with emerald green waters beneath me and mangrove trees around me. I flowed with the chants and several chants inserted themselves into the constant rounds into my small rudraksha mala. I was wearing a single rudraksha necklace with quartz crystal around my neck too. Rudraksha is very calming for me. It helps regulate the smorgasboard of energies encountered when meeting a lot of people, especially adults. This evening I skipped the family dinner and was left all alone at home this evening. I decided to take advantage of the energy of being alone only with my dogs and cats. True enough, it did matter, and I had a wonderful effortless kriya practice, compared to when the house is full. To my surprise, it was effortless then to move into the more advance kriyas this evening too. I am so glad I stayed back tonight. That kriya was definitely worth many lifetimes and yes, I dedicated it to my family who were enjoying dinner without me.


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