Meeting an Avadhoota

This is a compilation of a few short articles into one: Guruji Avadhoota Nadananda gave me a very soft slap on the face after he spent time releasing a woman in trance, during the procession, after the paduka puja of Tara Mayi Maa. He asked if anyone had water, and someone was holding an open bottled water. He used that to sprinkle water on the woman's face flailing her arms ad wailing wildly after the padukas. He said something like: "There, because someone was doubting that padukas can be real representation of the Guru." "Now you go take photos and write about it, he said. I remember Guruji Avadhoota Nadananda once said something like: If you have Faith, on anything, strong and unflinching, surrendered and determined, even on an element, say Water, It delivers. Even the Native Americans, have deep Faith in the elements like Water. Hindus believe, that the Divine Mother has turned into the sacred Rivers of India. Jesus had to ask someone to get some mud from a river to apply on the sick asking for help. The human mind still needed to cling onto something, even when the Christ was already in front of them Who needed no mud nor water nor even to move a finger to Heal. But such is our doubts. Jesus never claimed the healing. He returned the power to the people. Other people cannot keep our faith for us. It is a personal thing. A personal conviction and experience. One time, in a small gathering after the filming of his movie at the ashram in Kurnool, one of Guruji's middle aged male devotee said, oh she is from the Philippines! (referring to me). I know Philippines girls, he said mockingly with a sheepish smile. Women there smoke too! Guruji, glanced at me and like a child said something like, "Did you hear that?" teasing and waiting for my reaction. Guruji waved his cigarettes at us one by one, and I replied, I will take whatever you give me Guruji! He replied "O-ho!" and giggled, then pulled the cigarettes away. Little did those devotees know, that I wish Guruji just handed those cigarettes in my hands, in front of his devotees, because I like to smoke! Hahaha! I felt I was being tested for my patience not to react. I think I just quietly rolled my eyes and said something like, "yeah" and left it at that. I felt no need to defend anything. When I took that photo with a dhoop rising up his body, one of his female disciple in-charge of taking photos of him, came to me to tell me that Guruji gathered them, showed them that photo (see below) and told them I take good photos of him! LOL! What a leela!
Guruji Avadhoota Nadananda eating from the original kappar, the begging bowl of The Maha Avatar Babaji. A few times, the bowl was just an arm's length or inches away from me, but I dared not touch it because he has not asked me to. Even if no one was watching. My heart told me, leave it as it is, the time has not come. Often, he would leave his hanky where I sit close to, as well. I wonder why. Similarly, I dared not touch it, because it was not offered to me to touch. I do not mean to be irreverent, but Guruji told me to go to the mango tree and meditate and do whatever, even rest and sleep if I want to. So, I thought maybe take a pose as well? 😛 One time, I was meditating at night under the mango tree, and he called his devotee to take a picture of me. I think he knows I love photographs! I ended up giggling instead of meditating. There, I failed my test! LOL 😝 Guruji has revolutionised the expanse of our seva here in the Philippines, as inspired by Mohanji to find Him. After being with Him, my lust for food was totally gone. He asked us to stay with him for a few days before the Guru Purnima begins. During the other years of Guru Purnima, we would "accidentally" find ourselves at Shirdi or P Nityananda's ashram in Bidadi. I am yet to experience Guru Purnima with my Guru Swamigal in Unjalur. He graced us to spend 9 days of Navaratri with Him. I hope He grants me that Grace too.


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