Experiencing Shiva
"For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them." - Thich Nath Hanh
It was Guru Purnima. We were not aware of the day, except that it was a work holiday, and as we always do, we explore places and maybe meet people who inspire us. We rented a taxi from Bangalore to take advantage of the ashram being nearby this city. Intuitively, we wanted to wear a bit of white, and we found ourselves seeing a stream of people in white to celebrate the auspicious event. Similarly and perhaps even strangely, a year after the Paramahansa Nithyananda darshan, we found ourselves again in the same situation. We were in a queue at Shirdi Sai Baba Maha Samadhi mandir on Guru Purnima.
Earlier, I was dismissive of gurus who did not fit my stereotype (i.e. simple, not flamboyant, quiet, gentle, perhaps poor, humble, healthy in body etc.). I boxed the vast expression of the Universe into qualities in duality. It was not after a while, when I left my many years of voraciously reading "spiritual books" (and intellectualising) and spent more time in practice, that a transformation along with the grace and blessings of the several gurus who have presented themselves in my path - has it happened and is still happening.
I started seeing Paramahansa Nithyananda's videos on YouTube, and the more watched, the more I resonated with him. When I learned that his ashram in Bidadi was not too far away, I, as always, tagged my small family along for a possible darshan.
The crowd was huge. The front part was apparently only reserved for devotees around the country and the world. Those that were not in their ashram uniforms were asked to leave, locals and foreigners alike - except us. No one touched us nor asked us to leave. So, we enjoyed the "front seat" space not too far in front. The first part of the program was a puja, where the ceremony went on without him speaking nor moving, and when it was over, the curtains closed. The drumming, the blowing of the shells and the bells were intoxicating, but nothing came close to when the curtains opened and revealed him sitting quietly on his "throne".
We had no expectation but to enjoy the event and go home; and yes admittedly, maybe have some prasad too before leaving. They always taste good in the ashrams.
There he was, simply smiling and running his eyes through each one of us, though by the hundreds and maybe even a thousand more. I started seeing people shaking in a mass shaktipat, the ones I usually saw in his videos; some were seemingly bouncing and whirling or shaking their heads off involuntarily. I accepted the different expressions and experiences with deep reverence, until my time came. There was a final drumming of some sort and I could no longer contain the energy. I was in love with the cosmos again! It reminded me of my experience with Shibendu Lahiri in Banaras, except that this time, it was a specific Shiva energy that grew larger and larger on stage. Later on, my husband who was on the men's side, confirmed the experience as well.
Before long, I was sobbing and wiping my tears away. There was just too much love in the air, without words nor actions. As a natural empath, I often pick up on people's emotional energies, but this one was different. Every cell of my body was dancing in bliss, until a powerful current ran through my spine and I could not move my neck anymore as my head started facing the ceiling and I couldn't bring it back. The energy had to keep flowing straight from the base to the ajna. My whole being cried surrender and after that I felt like I just had an inner spa, clean from inside out, refreshed and fully charged. My husband, being the more visual one, saw the form of the great Kailash king and met him more closely prior to the program, when I asked him to go get food, he accidentally went the other way and met P. Nithyananda instead at the side stage. When he came running back inside the ashram, he came to me and whispered: "Shiva is there."
image source: photo from net
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