Pixie Love

Pixie Love You are Love Humans are here to exist in this world To experience and understand hardship To know, to learn and claim your ownership And realization will just unfurled For humans who have walked upon this earth Knowing the importance of ones being Will embrace beauty they are foreseeing As they understand and accept there worth And realized they are just passing-by Learn and understand the knowledge given All humans will always be forgiven For them to know and learn to say goodbye Love can fill and complete life afterlife To evolve ones spirit and lift it high For us to know God and understand why He loves us so much He gave His son's life For God only wants us to be perfect To transform ourselves and one in spirit For us to be with Him to inherit The Kingdom he made and always protect For all of his creations big and small And embracing all with His love and care To let us understand and be aware Humans are favored and loved above all To understand the full meaning of life To learn and be aware that there is Love Be forgiving to understand truelove And that you are Love and you are the light. by: Lisa Montero

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