A Leader

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
- John Quincy Adams quotes (American 6th US President (1825-29)
“One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.”
- Arnold Glasgow
Like stars in the night, we look up to them. However, we hardly wonder why they shine the way they do.
Why are we told to follow the stars when we need to dream of something as vast as the sky? Perhaps, because stars have the courage to shine in darkness and live in a place never bounded by limits and able to see the whole picture. Humbly and occasionally they fall into pieces when they must, reminding us, that when some stars die, billions remain shining for others for us to continue looking up to.
And if you ask them why they shine, they are quick to dismiss themselves in answering, it is not me, but the great Sun that makes me shine.
I have known many powerful leaders in my life. They have raised me, walked in front of me, beside me, behind me, carried me.. never realizing that, they are with me to tell me - they are me.
They come in many forms, one of whom I am most familiar with, is a woman who lead with a dream, a vision, a mission, with authority, command, confidence and fearlessness in her every breath. She is my mother.
The other one, is again a woman, gentle, quiet, humble, generous, forgiving, prayerful. She is fearless in her commitment to love. She is my mother's mother.
BOTH, though different in spirit and vigour and passion, carry similar hearts. BOTH are respected, admired, followed and greatly loved.
BOTH raised me and their wisdom to this day, continue to do so.
Here is a woman who can stand on a pedestal and raise her voice to start a revolution, and on the other hand, here is another woman who will wash your feet when it is dirty. BOTH taught me how to lead with love. Both exemplified love. Both were passionate about the cause of others, and both only live(d) to serve others.
My mother would tell me when I am afraid, " GO and inspire people what they can be and teach them what they need to know" while my grandmother, would hear me when I am afraid and then would dismiss my fears with a passing joke asking " Why fear, you won't die!" and them with her quiet smile, would walk away to make me a warm cup of milk.
I never realized that those random acts of inspirations would be the buckets of water I would need carry to keep the people I serve, following their dreams.
Only fear keeps us away from our dreams, the fear of our greatness, or the fear of not knowing who we are and what we want. Here I am confronted with two great lessons, CONFRONT YOUR FEAR or LAUGH AT IT.
But alas, while you deal with your fears your way, you never cease to serve. I wonder sometimes what propels these women to ceaselessly give, serve and love others tirelessly. Is it because it is who they are, or like most leaders they were raised by leaders themselves.
I am raising my daughter. It takes a village to raise a child, they say and I agree. But the village must be led, by making leaders of its people. But one cannot lead others if one cannot lead oneself. Thus my task to raise my daughter, is first to raise myself.
To be a leader is to lead oneself.
This, my mother and grandmother, like true leaders have taught me. Not by telling me, but by showing me. And you are my true leaders, for you can read my eyes before I cry and you can understand my smiles before I laugh.
p.s. To my dear departed Lola Sayong and my nanay who continues to guide me and inspire me, I THANK YOU. May I raise my daughter beautifully the way you have raised me with your great spirits.
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