25 hours a day, 8 days a week

I felt swallowed by mental and physical fatigue. It's been years since I've been close to tears merely for feeling extremely exhausted. The entire week was on teachers' pre conferences, class evaluations, my own classes, executive meetings, staffings on students after school hours , my content preparations and college recommendations.It's meetings after meetings after meetings after paper work after paper work after workshops... It's only my classes that energize me and never feels like work.
What awaits me on Monday are twelve evaluation write-ups of the classes observed, the eleven field trip evaluation of chaperones and each student and the huge task of correcting piles of high school essays. Not to mention, the weekly workshop I have to give to selected teachers. At least this week it's not the entire school's but just the P.E. dep't.
I tried listening to relaxing music, walking, taking a ride, sleeping, watching videos, whole body massage, stress food and chocolate eating etc.. and I still feel it in my body and it's still in my head - but today's quiet Saturday after the massage slowly eased all pressures.
The deadlines are entering my nerves. I wish to swim it away in some warm sunny crystal blue water ocean... or ride the waves in a sailboat.
This cold mountain simply remains watching me.
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