It's been so many days that I've been blogging in my head but never got the opportunity to sit and write. Here's why...
1. As a new MYP Coordinator, I , with my co-coordinator prepared for months for coming of our Associate Regional Manager's Follow-up visit and workshop. That required training of teachers and endless preparation for paper work and giving professional development workshops every week.
2. I also continue to teach my high school students and my graduating batch as I prepare them for their internal assessment, extended essays and their board/external exam. With that, meeting parents and dealing with special student issues.
3. Then, the quarter grade deadline, giving essays, correcting them, entering the marks and writing paragraphs for each and every student.
4. The best is yet to come, that is to edit all of the teachers from grades 6-10 reports and making sure they all finish on time and meet their needs with the reporting software. This is the tough part- asking colleagues who are my seniors to do their jobs properly.
5. Then I had to be the camp leader and bring a class to camp for 3 days with my daughter. Three of the students in that camp got suspended without my knowledge.
6. Then I have been assigend to meet 15 teachers 3 times within 2 weeks for class evaluation. That is, working on their unit and lesson plans and evaluate and watch them implement it in their classes.
7. While doing that, I am leaving for another class field trip tomorrow for 7 days in the plains...
8. In 3 hours, I am having a dinner at the Carlton with the group of council members, our old principal, new principal, vice-principal, co-coordinators and the school doctor.
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