My Second Sivananda Hatha Yoga Class

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I felt I have given a gift to my self when I made a commitment to join the class. Penny, A British licensed Sivananda Hatha Yoga instructor offers free hatha yoga lessons twice a week.

The first session was divine! I learned that to open and relax between poses actually spares you from muscle aches afterwards,other than just feel the treat of complete relaxation.

However, on the second session it became more challenging, we not only began to do Surya Namaskara ( The Sun salutation) with sequences to remember, but the "halasana" was quite challenging for me. I was kind to myself, but I remember very much how good it felt once, when I was doing ballet. The freedom of being flexibile brought a lot of confidence in me.

That Thursday class was followed by today's (Sat) hike. It felt like another gift to myself. Work starts to feel mundane and life unravels itself for me.

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