MY Saturday

August 8, 2009
After a powerful, buzzing, fast, exhausting week (where Monday felt like a Friday), I couldn't believe I could finally have a day I can call my own - quiet, simple and at home.
The day started sitting on a newly mowned front lawn at sunrise staring at the blossoming cherry tree that seduces restless hummingbirds. My daughter joined me shortly in sitting outside while drinking warm water ( an ayurvedic practice we are starting to adopt ).
The morning went on s l o w l y...
q u i e t l y ...
Then there was breakfast of french toast and dosa with coconut chutney with Rahul after I made Aaliaa her bread with milk, egg and honey breakfast..
Then I did some chores like folding clothes and putting them in the drawers as well as a little bit of cleaning up...
I felt starved and then had lunch cooked by Satya, our lovely ayah. It was with my usual appetizer ( deep fried crispy chillies in curd and salt ) with white rice and fried vegetables ( we never eat any form of meat at home as much as possible - we get to have chicken only once a year in the house )
Being in the house relaxes me especially after my shopping of Aurovillian goods such natural air fresheners, candles, incences etc.. The house feels sweet of flowers and is also surrounded by real yet ethereal flowers from our garden..
I spent my afternoon chatting back and forth with Tyrine ( my dad's half sister who was raised by my aunt and treated like a cousin ) in the US since it is her birthday and catching up with our lost years apart..
Then my usual afternoon nap with Rahul while Aaliaa played with her friends..
It's sunset now, and I feel grateful I did not spend my Saturday volunteering for a school outreach or hike, they are noble, but I need today to be mine and my family's.
It is still very quiet... I feel urges of restlessness and work still passes in my mind when I see it in my mailbox.. but I am letting that be there..until Monday comes..
Maybe I'll save the ironing for tomorrow..
It is already already a treat just to find time to blog away..
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