Letters - 1

Letters to our daughter...
My dearest Aali,
In your name , your dada and I sponsored the yearly education of an orphaned girl close to your age here in South India.
Today, we spent the evening purchasing a beautiful expensive saree for your "dadiji"(dada's mommy) for Mother's Day. We hope that she feels our love in the north all the way from the South. It felt really good doing so.
"Lola Nan" will get a cash gift in the Philippines so she can have her massage or shop or splurge or do whatever she wants to do with the money.
You wanted to work on the Mother's Day card right away this evening for Lola Nan and your teacher but I discouraged you to do so because with your cough and runny nose , I thought that you should hurry to bed and rest right away.
You are such a loving soul. You have been taking great care of your younger classmates and have been very friendly to your peers. You have shared so much of your toys and your clothes to those who both needed it or just wanted it.
You have a big heart and natural love for animals. You wanted to have so many pets, but dada and I thought two dogs are more than enough to take care of, and you consented after being explained the process of keeping and taking care of pets especially that we travel at least twice-thrice a year.
May you grow up remembering that it is in giving that we receive, and it is in loving that we express who we truly are.
We love you!
Eternally yours,
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