Another Day At School-2 ( May 7, 2009 )

PERIOD 4, DAY 6, May 7, 2009

I ran back to the high school building to meet my high school Psychology students. I shared with enthusiasm briefly the story I shared with my student on drugs and told them how I felt about it. I shook off the enthusiasm and proceeded on reviewing quickly for the test and then we moved to our usual little tree near the covered courts. I thought of doing team building while reviewing all the perspectives on BIOLOGICAL, PSYCHODYNAMIC, LEARNING AND HUMANISTIC.

We did the Freedom Writer's version exercise. They were clearly informed that they have a choice to withdraw or not to anwer.

And then asked questions like - step forward if...


a) you had a family member who is an alcoholic
b) ........................has mental disorder
c) ....................who has a life-threatening disease
d) ....................who is a drug addict
e)and related question of sorts..


a) you were toilet trained
b) been breastfed
c) you are a daughter really close to your father
d) you are a son really close to your mother
e) you had a best friend as a child
f) you have been or are in a romantic relationship



a) you have been physically punished by your parents
b) ................................. by teachers
c) you have been rewarded for something
d) you are still hurt until now from those punishments you received


a) you have loved someone unconditionally
b) you have been loved unconditionally
c) you had experienced conditions for growth
d) you wish to be accepted unconditionally
e) you accept yourself unconditionally - when I saw that a few stepped in , I proceeded to this activity..


After all that, we gathered and sat together as a group. Then we listed the things each of them have a challenge accepting in themselves and then re stated it into an acceptance. There were resistance of course, but we were out of time, and I said we will process it further next meeting...

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