Thank you, Tishie

It is but rare in a soul's journey, in my reflection, to find another who is alive in her truth. Like a wind , invincible and proclaims not to be seen. However, it is truly felt. It is truly felt.

Tish, your Presence was, has been and is always felt in my life. I never had someone penetrating my bubble, grabbing the life out of me to manifest and challenged me to feel by accepting it without conditions.

I felt honored that someone went inside that dark cocoon of mine and pushed me out to fly. Oh no, the pushing did come gentle like the dawn. It was a brave, courageous love of a friend like a strong wind blowing me off a cliff to fly. But you dropped with me, side by side and flew back up still right beside me. I gazed deeply into those eyes. I cannot be fooled by being patronized. But what I saw in those honest eyes is an honest love that can only come from a heart unafraid and faints not.

I grew up having my feelings frozen mainly by indifference that was raised by the same force. It was a quiet cold frozen lake. Imagine a volcano erupting and it's lava breaking into the ice. It felt like death. Death indeed, that my heart never froze again after meeting you. Death indeed, that my heart broke open to welcome all the love that I could muster to receive. Death indeed to the fear, that no one truly sees the simple and ordinary in me and that it is beautiful as it is.

As you walk the streets at peace with your confusions and uncertainties. As you drop tears of pain and joy for being human, all fired up in taking the journey in remembering and forgetting - I find peace. I FIND PEACE.

Peace you have bestowed upon me from your fierce quest for truth, love and acceptance.
When I am confused, feeling small, I remember your truth in all.
That it's all okay.

I love you, Tish.

And, thank you my friend.


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