The Humanistic Perspective

Today, we, once again sat under the tree for our PSL Psychology class. Last meeting, in small groups and then in a whole group, we debated on the question "are we truly free?". Does free will truly exist? Or are we simply determined by our environment?
Intelligent, rebellious, alive, these young ones are. Most of them bounced back and forth, some were quite clear its both, while one provided an example for the existence of free will. One involved the idea of "fate". In their small groups, which I arranged ( for the purpose of mixing personalities and friends ), they each shared what the meaning of life was for them as well as what they each hoped for. We were able to share the debate on free will vs. determinism as a class last meeting, and today, as a whole group we talked about the meaning of life and the hopes they held for themselves....
One, shared, "I hope to stop smiling all the time, and for once just be myself.."
the other said, " I hope to be loved"..
and it went on...
" I hope to contribute financially to my family"
" I hope to have my dad around, at least know he is coming"
" I hope to live life to the fullest "
" I hope to experience everything, sorrow, pain, joy.. "
" I hope to make my parents proud of me "
" I hope to change my mom, but I know I won't be able to.."
When asked about the meaning of life... the discussion became so vast that it's almost difficult to capture or put in a nutshell. Some had a very simplified version of an answer, and some had existential and philosophical views. Some talked about a "power" that plays a role. I qualified the answer, if she meant a "higher power". She replied, I don't know if it's a "higher power", but a "power" that plays a role in our lives. Some argued that we have to a certain extent control over our lives.
A few responded to the beauty of looking forward to the unknown. Some talked about carrying on, or that "it's just another day"... One said, "it would be nice to figure it out, but we really don't have to" and there was, " it's a summation of your goals and the simple experiences of life".
It wasn't easy to get the flow going at the start. How do you respond in a class when a teacher suddenly asks you "what is the meaning of life?" and you have everyone's stares waiting for your answer. I dared talked about my journey, to honor their openness and honesty. The bell rang before I reached the middle of my story, but I saw them respond to my raw honesty as well. As if certain knots loosened, and I had a few soft looks of budding trust. I often share about little things about my family, to let them know, that with them, I share myself as well...
" Any questions?" I asked towards the near end of the class. One of them raised her hand and asked " what is your hope?". I started by saying, "all the hopes you just shared were once my hopes as well". And I added, " today, I hope to continue being who I am. "
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