Blogging Again..

I am thankful for this blog for giving me the space to be able to connect visually with myself. I do not necessarily commit myself to it but do so whenever it feels good to do so. My commitment though is in watching my thoughts and emotions and making sure they are in check. It's 5:47am now, I couldn't sleep, my throat is dry, my stomach upset, my thoughts raving about useless things.
I slept watching "The Secret" in Rahul's dep't. laptop and I remember the emphasis on not letting those stinky feelings stay and be committed to feeling good. So I dragged myself out of the blanket in the chilling dawn, made myself a cup of herbal tea, read a book I've always wanted to flip through and got rid of the stomach upset. I feel lighter, my throat and tummy nice and warm from the tea and my mind excited to keep on going through the books that are currently in my hand.

A few months ago before the Christmas, I devoured Eckhart Tolle's " A New Earth". It is surprising really to find myself being able to read "other things" other than the textbooks and resource books in work since it used to feel like there's not enough time even to finish the "work" reading. The "New Earth" was away from me for months having been borrowed for a long time. It's back today and I never realized that one can actually miss a book.
I am thankful for this Sunday. We were invited by our neighbor, our school doctor, to have lunch over at their house.I saw how she took a lot of time preparing a squid menu and called in earlier a few times how to cook it. Aaliaa enjoyed playing with her kids and I spent the morning teaching Prashant, her son, the Aikido sword and a few movements. It was energizing for me as well. Yesterday, was Valentine's day, it was nice to talk to my mom over the phone since it's her birthday. We had a scooter ride around the lake as a family and Rahul got me and Aaliaa roses. We bought 3 red roses for a family friend in school as well , Mrs. Gandhi. We wondered where to find her on a Saturday, but voila! Just outside the flower shop was Mr. & Mrs. Gandhi walking in! I call her "Gandhiji", she giggles when I call her that, as it reminds her of the Mahatma.
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