Why We Should Be Careful Of What We Watch, Read or Listen To

 Why We Should Choose Carefully What We Expose Ourselves To

It all begins with thought and how we process it. When we are dreaming at night, most of the time we are not aware we are only dreaming. 

Our body sweats when we are running from being chased in a dream. Sometimes we urinate in bed when we dream we are peeing in the toilet. Or sometimes we wake up crying when we have a bad dream. 

The body reacts according to what the mind perceives. Even in movies, our bodies react even if we are even conscious that it is only a movie and we are simply a spectator. 

We feel giddy in-love when watching a romantic film, we feel blessed and elevated when watching a movie about saints or God. Similarly, how does the body react when people watch porn and why does it sell so well? Because it has physiological and psychological effects. 

Many studes in Psychology show that what we watch or listen to, correlates or may influence both our physiological and psychological states.

Imagine waking up to a beautiful scenic painting every morning in your bedroom versus waking up to a picture of a rotting dead gray rat eaten by maggots on a poster, facing your bed upon rising every morning. How did that simple imagination make you feel and how does it feel in your body? Can you even smell it?

Have you had an experience watching a horror movie and it haunted you for weeks at end, even years? It also got your body hair standing at its ends! 

Similarly, we know of post-traumatic stress disorders of soldiers constantly exposed to war and death. And what of rising blood pressures just thinking about problems and stress from worrying; imagining the worst about the future.

Listen to a screeching or hammering sound, or shooting of guns and armalites, versus listening to soothing or powerful instrumental music or sacred chants, songs or prayers. What is the difference? Let us be mindful of the books we read. We consciously or subconsciously feed ourselves what we expose ourselves to. 

We have heard of brain plasticity. Our neural networks in our brain changes according to what we constantly expose our senses to and what we expose ourselves to, not only vicariously but also even in our imagination. The habits we develop eventually get biologically wired in us. Our hearts can beat faster or slower. Our blood preasure can rise or drop. Our lives could instantly or gradually be at stake. 

So be careful. Be very mindful if what we expose our sight, hearing, touch or taste to. Be even more careful of what is imagined in the head. Be careful of the stories we listen to.

Live consciously and with awareness. We may not always choose our external neighborhood or environment, but we can still do something about our inner space. We can travel to the nearby park or beach or plug in beautiful less intensely emotional music. 

Everything carries energy or rather, is energy of different frequency. Aim to raise one’s frequency with healthier options in what we eat, what we watch, what we listen to and what we touch.  

Remember how it felt around toxic negative peeps or extremely sad depressed people, even when they are not talking? Draining isn’t it? How about being around happy, sunny, inspired and energetic people who are full of life and smiles? They make us feel good. 

Do we want to be a force of light and joy to others and ourselves? Or do we want to be the  one whom others avoid and get drained to be around us? You know your answer to that already. 

- Mataji


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